Tuesday, 15 January 2013

LAYWOO-D3 first successfull print

Managed to produce my first succcessful print using LAYWOO-D3.
I found the secret for my success at Jeremie's blog, http://betterprinter.blogspot.ca/2012/10/shades-of-brown-with-wood-filament-via.html.
By limiting extrusion temperature in the Cura Wood plugin from 205°C to 245°C, I managed to get rid of all the nozzle clogging that I had experienced before. I also reduced the extrusion speed from the 100mm/s that I was using for PLA/ABS to 50mm/s

Here is the result of print http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:27060:

I have noticed that this print still has some issues such as low extrusion volume in areas, this problem went away in the end when I reduced extrusion speed even further (notice the higher quality extrusion on the nose).

I am running a slower print running overnight (20mm/s) of http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2620
Example of a test print:

Sunday, 13 January 2013

LAYWOO-D3 first tests

I have been curious about the LAYWOO-D3 filament, so I decided to get a bit for test purposes.
LAYWOO-D3  is a new FDM filament that contains wood particles binded by a polymer.
The particularity of this filament is that layer colour can be controled by varying the extrusion nozzle temperature in a range from 175°C to 250°C.

Started printing a part with LAYWOO-D3 on my 3D printer and imediatelly realised that travel speeds have to be reduced to about 50mm/s on my ultimaker if a print is to become successfull and have been plaged with extruder slips and a bit of temporary clogging of the nozzle, although this can be atributed to the extruder miss behaviour.

So far this is as far I got to:

I will try to resume my tests later in the week.

Thursday, 3 January 2013

Finally got myself to start a blog, about time.
Its has been a while since I have been thinking of starting one, this must be an unconscious New Year resolution.
Hope that readers enjoy and find the stuff I post interesting.
Well here I go. Lets hope for the best.